July 21, 2014

Tough Times

There's always a deadly spot in our human soul, our deepest fear.
There's always harsh events in our walk on earth, our toughest times.
And there's always the person that we love the most, the person we care the most, the person we treasure the most.

Of 25 years breathing, I am now facing the h.a.r.d.e.s.t moment ever.
The fear that has crept to the surface from the deepest me.
When I have totally NO control on the happenings around me.

Grandma is sick.
Grandma needs surgery
Grandma needs HEART surgery.
Grandma is in hospital now.

My world is collapsing.
The fear of losing the one that I love the most, I care the most, I treasure the most.
Because seriously I am not ready for anything like this.

The golden time of my life has just started.
I have just started earning money.
So so many plans that I have in my mind to give my grandparents a better life,
and now I am facing the fear of losing the one I love the most.
When I have just turned mature enough to really realize how much effort they have put in me for me to become the Carmen that is standing here today.
How much heartache I have put them through.
How much unnecessary money of theirs that I have wasted for my past 25 years.

And. I have realize how hard is it to earn that few hundred ringgit.

Lately there have been so many disastrous news about people losing loved ones.
MH370, MH17, Few of my close friends losing their family members.
It really made me think, is this a sign that God is giving me,
to prepare me for a something-like-that event that will be happening on me?

A good friend has told me this "Before my grandpa passed, God has already prepared me for that."
I can't help and I can't stop thinking about what's God trying to do to me now.

This is life. Life is reluctant.
When you are young, you try to grow up fast.
When you are grown, you try to stop your parents, grandparents from ageing.

Each time I step down from the train to go home,
Every single time that I saw grandpa and grandma,
There'll be a feeling of "Oh my, they have few more new wrinkles on their face"
Life is too short for us to waste any second.
Cherish every moment with the one you love the most.
Cherish and appreciate every angel God has sent to you,
coz you will never know when God will take them away from you.

As for me, I will cherish life.
Life is short. Indeed very short.
The phrase "Time waits for no man" is slapping me hard on my face now.
Appreciate your parents, grandparents because they are the only ones on earth that will not abandon you.

Pray for my grandma.
Pray for fast recovery
Pray for smooth surgery
Pray for optimistic mentality.
Pray for peace.
Pray for us.


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